Child Passenger Safety

Child Passenger Safety

One child under 13 years old is involved in a crash every 34 seconds. Car seats can save lives, but they must be used correctly. Nearly all parents and caregivers (96 percent) believe their child’s safety seat is installed correctly, however, seven out of ten children...
Sharing the road with emergency vehicles

Sharing the road with emergency vehicles

You’re driving down the road when you catch a glimpse of flashing lights in your rearview mirror. Next, you hear sirens wailing. What should you do? We’ve all been in this situation, yet many times we don’t know exactly what to do. During a normal shift, Sunstar...
Top 25 Most Dangerous Intersections

Top 25 Most Dangerous Intersections

Intersection Dangers. What can you do to avoid risks? Intersections are a part of every commute, and they can be extremely dangerous, reflected by how many accidents we see. In Pinellas County, U.S. Highway 19 and Tampa Road has had the most crashes of any...
Halloween safety guide for parents and kids

Halloween safety guide for parents and kids

With Halloween slowly creeping upon us, it is important to remember that children are more than twice as likely to be hit by a car and killed on Halloween than on any other day of the year. Sticking reflective tape on costumes, giving kids flashlights or glow sticks...